
A message from the Director
You may have noticed we've been a little more low key and out of the spotlight the last few months. There has been so much happening behind the scenes. Stay with me for a few updates.
First and foremost, our choreographers have poured their heart and soul into their films. We've been working hard to produce them and get them out to you, our audience.
2023 was another amazing year and as much as I want to say it was a piece of cake, it was anything but cake.
When I started this organization in 2019, I never imagined it would grow into the beautiful space it has become. Together, through so many amazing collaborations we have built this into a place for artists to make long lasting relationships and always feel like they have a place of support and connection.
We explored new art mediums and exposed many artists to the world of film all the while creating a community. We created a platform for artists' work to be seen across the globe through film festivals and the virtual space.
This was no small task and with the help and encouragement of amazing artists and artist supporters like yourself, as well as the call of God I had on my heart, I was able to keep going.
It is with great gratitude and emotion that I share with you that I will be taking a semi-sabbatical from CFCC. This wasn't a decision that I made lightly. CFCC is my baby and I will be coming back to it eventually. However, there are other areas of my life that need my focus right now, my family being the most important.
So what does this mean for our artists? Well I'm glad you asked...
2023 CFCC Films: Our 2023 lineup of films will be released on YouTube this month.
Save the Date: Join us this Sunday, December 17th at 7:00 p.m. for an impromptu Virtual Watch Party and a Q&A with the creators following the showing. I will have more details about the logistics of where you can join in from the comfort of your laptop or mobile device. I'll emails those details later this week once I figure out how in the world to do a live stream. You will be able to watch the films on your own time on our YouTube channel following the watch party. Please note most of the films are finished. However, there are a few films we are still putting the finishing touches on that may be released at a later date. We hope you'll join us for another Watch Party for those as well.
2024 Artist Space: We want to remain connected with all of you. All artists that have worked with us in the past, we miss you and want to remain connected with your arts journey. That being said, we are considering a quarterly or even monthly Zoom Meeting that we would open up to all artists who want to stay connected with our community. We can have different speakers and focused themes for each meeting that would benefit our artists. Something that can be a resource for each of you.
We can cover things like: Marketing for Artists, Arts Business and Administration, Fundraising, Pedagogy, Choreographic Methods, Health & Wellness, College prep, Non-profits, Film logistics, Money mindsets, Taxes for artists, Social media, Careers in the arts, Audition prep, and more.
ACTION ITEM: If this is something you would be interested in being a part of I need to hear from you.
What do you want to learn?
How can we build what you need that will benefit you in your career and/or artistic practice?
How often would you like to virtually attend something like this?
Are you or a friend you know interested in virtually teaching on a topic you/they specialize in?
What do you think our community needs & how can we create it?
Email me to let me know you're interested. If we hear from enough of you, we will make this happen.
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your collaboration, engagement, contribution, encouragement and prayer throughout these four years. I hope you stay tuned for what will come in the future. We have loved being a part of your arts journey's and hope you'll remain connected with us.
I am not going anywhere so don't feel like you can't reach out. Keep creating, friends.
Amanda Van Meter Burch, Director
Central Florida Choreographers Collaboration